Tuesday, February 26, 2008

preparation au concours de science po

reponse de ma maman apres lui expliquer mes incertitude sur le fait de suivre assez l'acualite politique francaise:

Maman: c'est facile, il suffit de se rappeller que Sarko est con
Amelie: oui, et Carlos est mort.
Maman: ah, et Henri Slavador aussi, apres avoir pris sa retraite a 90 ans pour profiter de la vie, c'est con.
Amelie: oui, c'est triste
Maman: ah... et le Lion est mort ce soir...


je vais cartonner au concours! Trop cool maman!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Demonstration in Serbia

Today is a big day in Serbia. First demonstration to protest against the unilateral declaration of independance of Kosovo by the Albanian kosovars. The main demonstration of course takes place in Belgrade, where I just read from the internet news B92 that "Hundreds of thousands of Serbians gathered today in Belgrade for a Kosovo protest."

I was spending my day as usual in my quite town of Krusevac, where, with Bojan, we decided to 'look at' the demonstration (without participate). Around 5PM, we listened the first klaxons, and then we just had to follow the noise. Ok, Krusevac has only one main street so it was not so difficult to find the protestors. The demonstrators, maybe around 2000 people top, in majority they were high school pupils (because today was a day off for the schools to demonstrate), and few teachers.

Demonstration was peacefull and even quite calm. When I stand in a rubbish to take pictures and see how many people was there, I regognize few people: high school students, my neighbour, local democrates. Once, a guy came to me smiling, and told me in serbian: maybe i could say to people where you are from!... another time, I met Sheki, who told me smiling as well: You are our problem.

ok, it may look funny a french girl in the middle of all this demonstrators...

And to finish, people who start to understand serbian culture can guess where the demonstration ends: to the old church of course. There was a mess and highspeakers outside the church and then everyone calm down and listened the priest... I was a bit lost because I never know when I have to do this gestures with my hands and a bit scared by this music in the night with all those demonstrators. Anyway, we left soon, and I think the demonstration didnt continue a lot after we left.


Branislav, dude from Krusevac. Just one sentence, who can define him:

Amelie:oh tomorrow morning I go to see Chantal, that means I have to wake up at 8:30, fuck.
Branislav:oh, this is bad... but, 8:30... in the morning or in the evening?...

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Independance of Kosovo

Retour a belgrade, dans le bus de l'aeroport, 2eme jour de proclamation dindependance du kosovo, une camionnette blanche sur le bord de la route, notre bus dans les bouchons, spectateurs du spectacle: un pave sur la camionnette blanche, des robocops super-flics qui sortent en trombes, des hooligans qui essaient de senfuir a travers le parc (moi qui me dit: ils sont cons cest hollogans, quelle mauvaise strategie de senfuir dans... un parc!!), dautres voitures de flics arrivent en trombe, roulent en sens inverse sur la route, des flics-crs courent dans le parcs, des voitures roulent dans le parc, assez halluciant... le bus repart, au centre ville, dautres crs, jessaie de compter: 50 flics de chaque cote de la route, 2 par 2 devant l'arret de bus (peut-etre ils ont fini le servie et rentrent en bus, que je me dis!!), ils remontent la rue marchant comme des soldats bien eduques.le bus continue, dautre flics, jessaie de compter de nouveau, une 30aine de flics au milieu de la route, je comprend que tous ces flics entourent un lycee ou les lyceens, aux etages superieurs du batiments, sont par les fenetres, avec des sourires et de la surprises. un peu plus tard, quelques posters avec косово је србјиа...

Pour te rassurer maman, en effet certains nationalistes pourraient ne pas beaucoup m'aimer du fait de ma nationalite francaise et du fait que la France soit le 2eme pays a avoir reconnu le Kosovo comme indepedendant (apres l'Afghanistan), mais il n'empeche qu'hier en rentrant de Belgique mes potes etaient contents de me voir revenir et de partager tous ensemble un repas "a la francaise": camembert, vin rouge et pain...
Krusevac est calme, on en discute et mon entourage, mes potes serbes comme mon bureau espere juste que le calme sera bientot la.

ps: je tiens aussi a signaler que ce post ne relate pas de la "reelle realite" mais juste d'observations dont j'ai ete temoin: holligans et violence ne sont pas 2 mots objectif pour traduire la situation, car les protestataires violents ne sont qu'une faible minorite. En general et un peu partie en Serbie et dans les regions majoritairement serbe du Kosovo se passe dans le calme et la paix. Les etudiants de serbie organisent des manifestations pacifiques... juste cette remarque pour ne pas tomber donc cette critique facile et cette peur securitaire qui nous surpombe.

The protest in Kosovska Mitrovica (FoNet)

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, GRAČANICA -- The Kosovska Mitrovica Serbs yesterday organized a peaceful protest in the northern part of the town. Les kosovars serbes de Mitrovica ont organise hier une manifestation pacifique dans le nord de la ville.

Friday, February 8, 2008

A bomb explodes in Belgrade

On the radio since more than one hour there are only sad songs... I was thinking of a post than Gerardo posted in his blog about sad music on radio and the death of people in Bosnia. So I ask my colleague why do there is sad music on the radio. He thinks, and told me, laughing, maybe it is the preparation of Saint Valentine Day...
10 minutes later, Eta told us there is a bomb which just explodes in Belgrade, In the commercial center Mercator...

I am thinking of Gerardo right now (http://sarajewhat.blogspot.com/). The region is so amazing. Mickeal Jackson is singing "What about us". I am going to read the news on internet before to take my bus.
I feel even more alive right now.
The scene at Mercator Belgrade (FoNet)
here is what I found about this information:
BELGRADE -- An explosive device was thrown in the car park of the Mercator shopping center in New Belgrade this morning.
The scene at Mercator Belgrade (FoNet)There was also a bogus bomb threat at the Mercator Center in Čačak. At around 1050 Mercator received a tip-off that a bomb had been planted on its premises in Čačak. However, after the building had been evacuated and a police search, it turned out that the tip-off had been a hoax, B92 understands. The attack in Belgrade took place at 0530 this morning. One shop window on the ground floor was destroyed by the explosion. Police are at the scene and an investigation is under way. There were no injuries, though there has been material damage, Mercator’s media manager Sanja Šegrt said. Despite the explosion, the shopping center will work normally today. More details concerning the incident will be known once the police finish their investigation. Meanwhile, the Slovenian Foreign Ministry has reacted to the incidents. "We expect the Serbian authorities to investigate the matter and take the necessary measures against the culprits. The ministry expresses its concern at these events. We would like to remind all Slovenian nationals that they can seek help from their nearest Slovenian embassy at times like this. Slovenia and Serbia have a traditional friendship. We will endeavour to maintain it both within the government and in the EU," read a statement.

Good to be, and to feel alive.

Tonight I am going to Skopje. Waiting for the bus. Looking forward to be there. I am listening Shinead O'Conor, Nothing Compares to you.

I realize how good I feel. I like this feeling inside myself. I am looking at my pictures. I feel like this building. It's completely destroyed, but strong and beautiful at the same time.

Dedicace for people I love. Dedicace for my little sister, my little star, Gloria.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

french language in Krusevac

As I may already said, I am the only volunteer in Krusevac so it's not often that I speak french and I am always a bit surprised when people speak to me in french.
This week, I met 2 women, who spoke to me in my native language. 2 different women, with 2 different stories.

The first woman is named Katarina. She is a blondy 30-year-old french teacher in the public school Yovan Popovic. She came to the office when she heard by one of her student that there was a french volunteer. She was a bit shy to speak because her french is limited. She explained to me she become teacher few years ago, and then get 2 kids so she didnt work for 3 years and this year came back to school to teach french. I am surprised to listen her speaking a bad french and to think she teach this bad french language to her pupils. My friend Bojan is even a better speaker than her. She explained it's difficult for her to speak because she has never been to France because of the Visa's trouble and it's rare to see foreign people coming in Serbia, and in Krusevac. I have to meet this girl again, I can maybe help her to speak and to be a better teacher (at least she could teach to pronounce properly usual things as number...).

The second woman is an anonymeous lady. Around 50 or 60 years old. Gypsy woman that I met on the fontana square, in Krusevac. She is quite small, and few teeth are still in her mouth (but I could say for how long more). She stared to speak in serbian. When I told her I didnt speak a good serbian, she answered in a perfect french: Vous parlez francais?
Of course I do. "Tu sais, moi je vis ici, j'ai pas de papier, j'ai pas d'argent et pas de maison. Ici sans papiers quand on est vieux c'est past facile".
"Mais ou as-tu appris a parler aussi bien le francais, tu es tres forte, ton francais est parfait".
"Tu sais, moi j'ai habitez 20 ans a Paris, toujours sans papiers et sans maison, alors un fois vieille je suis revenue pres de ma famille. Mais tu sais c'est pas facile ici."


The woman was so amazing. Sometimes I dont understand this world where we live. Inegality because of one official document. What a contrast between those women. Why this competent lady can not have a life as good as this first woman...

In the 8th grade classroom (first part)

After a meeting with my office, I decided to start to learn Serbian properly, and bet with Eta, my boss, that for her birthday, 3rd of march, I would speak Serbian. So now I learn all day long, and try to remember what I did learn the day before...not easy, but my motivation is strong.
Everyone decided to help me in the office, and it is the first time I see so much motivation from serbian people. I am happy to see such motivation from them.
Yesterday, Marina's husband, Vlada, invited me to go to his school when he was kid, Nada Popovitch, and to meet his serbian teacher. I imagined it will be one of his friend who is now serbian tacher, but not at all...

We arrive to the school. Great, I realize it is the first time since I am here that I go in a public school and I feel happy to see all those kids running and screaming around. Vlada asks to one teacher where is the Serbian teacher. We go to her class room, and knock the door...
We stand in this room, full of 14-years-old pupils, all so excited by our coming. Vlada speak to the teacher: she is french and wants to learn serbian. -Ok, you can sit. -She doesnt speak good serbian right now but she speaks english. -Ok, kids, who is speaking english ?? (All the kids stand up) -I AM I AM, SHE CAN SIT HERE, AND HERE, AND HERE...

ohh, I feel like a star, boys and girls look at me in a different way. I finally sit next to Natali, tall and girly teenager.- Of course I do speak english, she said to me.
All the 14-years-old boys are looking at me, and I remember when I was myself 14!.
Natali asks me how old I am. - 21. -ohh, I thaught you were 14 also and you were a new pupil! (I knew I look young, but, so young??).

The course goes on (the show must go on...), The pupils are not really aware. Maybe 5 on 25 pupils are listening the teacher. The other one speak to their neighbours, or try to speak to me, or try to catch attention of the other pupils by making jokes!.

The hours finally ends. The teacher comes to speak to me; I am a beautiful girl and my language is beautiful. She asks me if I want to stay... Well... All the pupils are around me and sing: Stay, Stay, oh Stay, Pleeeaaaase....

Ok, it's enough for today I answer. But I will come back. Tomorrow? OK for me.

Vidimo Se Sutra.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Result of the elections

Last night the result of the Election came: Boris Tadic is President of the Serbia for 4 years more.

I watched TV last night to know what was happening and Tadic won with a little bit a more votes for him. So, last night was an happy night with my local friends but not so happy. Even if Tadic won, noone is blind about the result of Nikolic: almost 48 purcent. So people was speeking about this result and were worry about it.

here is the comment from B92, which is for my opinion, the best website about Serbian news:

BELGRADE -- According to CeSID figures, Boris Tadić, DS, polled 50.5 percent to Tomislav Nikolić’s 47.9 percent


Tadić received 50.5 percent of the vote in yesterday’s second round of the presidential elections, the Center for Free Elections and Democracy (CeSID) estimates on the basis of a 100 percent treated sample.

Serb Radical Party (SRS) candidate Tomislav Nikolić polled 47.9 percent. According to CeSID, turnout was 67.6 percent or 4,540,000 voters.

Nikolić told a press conference that, while counting was not yet complete, it did appear that, according to data he had at his disposal, it was clear that the incumbent president had been re-elected, and that he congratulated him on his victory.

“I’m sorry that fear has prevailed, and that fear will continue to reign,“ he said.

The SRS candidate said that his party would remain the country’s biggest opposition to the government and the president, but that he would always support “those political structures that defend state interests and endeavour to preserve Kosovo within Serbia.“

Zoran Lučić from CeSID said that the prediction was not open to statistical error, and that it could be concluded that Tadić had triumphed. According to their forecast, the DS candidate had received 2.3 million votes to Nikolić’s 2.18 million.

According to the CeSID sample, in Belgrade Tadić polled 53.6 percent to Nikolić 44.5 percent. In Vojvodina, Tadić also won by 55.1 percent to Nikolić’s 43.6, while the SRS candidate had the edge in central Serbia, winning by 51.1 percent to 47.2 percent.

These results were similar to those of the DS’s headquarters, who gave the incumbent president a lead of 51.4 percent to 48.2 percent.

RIK: Tadić wins 50.57 to 47.71

The Republican Electoral Commission (RIK) said before midnight on Sunday that according to 98.8 percent of counted ballots, DS candidate Boris Tadić had won 50.57 percent of the vote, or 2,257,105 votes, and that SRS candidate Tomislav Nikolić had won 47.71 percent of the vote, or 2,129,403 votes.

These results apply to 98.8 percent of votes counted.

Three Kosovo municipalities had been counted – Kosovska Mitrovica, Zubin Potok and Vučitrn - where turnout was 16,445 voters, or 47.42 percent.

In these three municipalities, 12,144 voters (73.66 percent) voted for Nikolić, and 4170 (25.36 percent) for Tadić.

96.28 percent of votes had been counted in Belgrade, where turnout had been 66.55 percent. Tadić had polled 52.44 percent to Nikolić’s 45.65 percent.

89.93 percent of votes had been counted in Novi Sad, where turnout had been 69.22 percent. The DS candidate received 59.93 percent to Nikolić’s 43.44 percent.

In Kragujevac, with 92.73 percent of votes counted, turnout had been 72.73 percent. Nikolić polled 50.58 percent to Tadić’s 47.57 percent.

In Niš, with 97.67 percent of votes counted, turnout was calculated at 70.93 percent. The incumbent received 48.56 percent, to the challenger’s 49.53 percent.

In Čačak, with 98.08 percent of votes counted, turnout was calculated at 68.75 percent, with Tadić polling 52.95 percent to Nikolić’s 44.61 percent.

Joyeux Anninversaire Maman

A short post in french, for my mum and her birthday.
Chere maman,
un petit mot pour te souhaiter un joyeux anniversaire venant de Serbie. Mon cadeau ne peut etre que te dire que je t'aime et que je suis heureuse que tu sois ma maman car c'est en grande partie grace a toi, a papa, et a l'education que vous m'avez donne, la liberte que vous m'avez toujours laisse que je peux ecrire ce blog aujourdhui et parler de mes experience en Serbie.
Ici a Krusevac tout va pour le mieux, mes amis locaux sont tres present pour m'inclure dans cette societe et me procurent beaucoup de joie.
Je fais attention a moi (mais tu dois savoir que je suis responsable meme si souvent tete en l'air!), je mange bien et j'essaie de realiser aux mieux mes projets ici.
Je ne te remercirais surement jamais assez d'etre une maman aussi cool.
Je te souhaite d'heureuses et reposante vacances au soleil... pense a m'envoyer une petite carte!
un Enorme bisou rien que pour toi.